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What is Osteopathy?Osteopathy is a form of manual therapy that utilizes the body's natural ability to self-heal and self-regulate. The body is treated as a dynamic unit of function, and the treatment is aimed at finding the root cause of the pain or discomfort, as opposed to treating the symptoms. Osteopathy is completely about anatomy and physiology of the human body and how the two are interrelated. Since these are the guiding principles of Osteopathy, every treatment is therefore uniquely tailored to the patient.
What does Osteopathy help with?One of the main principles of Osteopathy is: structure determines function. This means that if structure(s) are restricted within the body, this can cause issues with the physiology and manifest symptoms (such as pain, digestive issues, fatigue, etc). We do not say "Osteopathy treats ____". We treat the body as a whole; a dynamic unit of function. In treating the anatomy of the body, we make a change in the physiology. This is how we can confidently say we treat the root cause, and not the symptoms.
What is the cost of an appointment?An initial appointment for an adult (12+) is $125 tax included, and follow-ups are $95 tax included. An initial appointment for a child or infant is $100 tax included, and follow-ups are $85 tax included.
Is Osteopathy covered by my health insurance plan?Coverage of Osteopathy, along with massage therapy, dentristy, etc., depends on your insurance plan. Please call your insurance provider to inquire if you have this covered.
I don't have coverage for Osteopathy. Can I claim the treatment as Massage or Physio?Billing insurance for a service that was not rendered is insurance fraud. Even if the practitioner is a Massage Therapist or Physiotherapist, the billed service must be the service that was given. There are serious consequences to this, such as losing Association status, fines, or even jail time depending on the situation.
What should I wear?Loose-fitting comfortable clothes you can move in. I will NOT, at any point in time, ask you to disrobe. You will be treated in whatever clothes you decide to wear to the appointment.
How often do I need to come for an appointment?Every treatment is unique to the patient - and so is the amount of time between bookings. This is completely dependent on what the patient requires. Some patients can come every few months for maintence, some every other week, and others I may need to see more than once a week. It all depends on what the patient needs at that point in time.
How long is an appointment?An initial appointment is around 45 minutes, which allows time for a thorough intake and to review your health history, initial assessment and a treatment. A follow-up is around 30 minutes. However, an Osteopathic treatment itself should not last longer than 20 minutes.
What forms of payment are accepted?Cash or e-transfer is preferred. Debit is available for an additional $0.80 cost due to processing fees. E-transfers can be sent to
How do I cancel an appointment?24 hours notice must be given before a cancellation. If you booked by email, phone, or message, contact Nicole to cancel. If you booked using clinicsense, the website allows you to manage your appointment if you need to cancel, but does not allow cancellations after the 24 hour mark.
How does Osteopathy differ from chiropractors, massage therapists and physiotherapists?Osteopathy is completely different than chiropractics, massage and phyiotherapy. Osteopathy recognizes the body as a dynamic unit of function. It acknowledges that each structure interacts with other structures and therefore effects the whole body through it's connections. Since there is a change in structure, there must be a change in physiology (structure determines function). Osteopathy is about the connections throughout the body and therefore allows the practitioner to find the root cause of discomfort or pain.
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